Dozent/in für Popularmusik in Groningen (NL) gesucht

An der Universität Groningen (NL) wird zur Zeit ein/e Dozent/in für Geschichte und Theorie der Popularmusik gesucht: „For this position, we seek an excellent candidate specializing in modern music with possible areas of expertise such as electronic dance music, the music industry, musical theatre, rock, popular music of the world, but other areas of concentration can also be considered. The candidate’s work should exhibit a familiarity with contemporary theoretical approaches such as post-colonial theory, queer theory, music and affect, and/or new musicology. It should also reflect an understanding of new analytical models, which recognize and theorize the values and modes of identification attached to musical genres, practices, and interpretive regimes. In terms of research, a candidate with expertise in cognitive and/or empirical approaches is of interest. Experience in ethnomusicological research methods is also desirable. More broadly, research undertaking an engaged commitment to understanding the relations between popular music institutions and communities is welcome, especially when examining music’s role in negotiating cultural identities (such as race, ethnicity, nation, gender, and sexuality). Ultimately the highest priority is for an exceptional candidate with relevant expertise and internationally significant research potential“. Bewerbungsschluss: 24.04.2016
