Call for Sessions für „Women Who Rock”-Konferenz
Vom 17.-18. Februar 2011 findet an der University of Washington and Seattle University die Konferenz “Women Who Rock: Making Scenes, Building Communities” stattfinden. Dafür rufen die VeranstalterInnen auf, bis zum 30.11.2010 sog. Session Proposals einzusenden:
„Women have been a powerful presence in Seattle’s well-known independent music scene, as performers, promoters, writers, DJs, archivists and fans. In many cases, they embody the hybrid identity of artist-activist-advocate. Historically, in the Pacific Northwest, women have used their music and activism to create music scenes that anchor social justice movements. The present is no different. The Women Who Rock Conference, organized by the Women Who Rock Research Project and the Women Who Rock Graduate Student Collective, will highlight both contemporary and past movement(s) in and outside of Seattle by bringing together musicians, activists, writers, advocates, educators, and scholars to explore questions of female representation and access for women within music scenes. This conference is intended to reach an academic and public audience. Scholars and educators will contextualize their explorations of women within various music scenes by engaging broader discourses of feminist, critical race, and class analyses. Musicians, activists and others will demonstrate how innovations in the creative arts link to social justice movements. This conference, which aims to be an annual event, will also introduce the initial phase of the Women Who Rock Oral History project. At the conference, we will generate contacts for future oral histories.„