Call for Scores: Kontrabass & Orchester

Im Auftrag von BASS2018LUCCA schreibt die Stiftung Fondazione Adkins Chiti: Donne in Musica einen internationalen Call for work für Kontrabass & Orchester aus: Scores will first be adjudicated by the Foundation’s International Reading Commission (with composers from 7 countries: Austria/China/Cyprus/Italy/Luxembourg/Slovenia/South Africa) and 15 scores will be chosen. A second Jury presided over by Fabrizio Papi, Director of ISSM “Luigi Boccherini” of Lucca and including Gian Paolo Mazzoli, Gabriele Ragghianti and Alberto Bocini will make final choice. Work chosen will be mandatory set piece for participants in final public rounds of Solo Double Bass Competition during BASS2018Lucca (Italy) from 30th July to 5th August 2018.
Rules and Regulations:
1) This call is open to women composers of all nationalities, ages and working in all genres.
2) Instrumentation requested: Four-stringed Double Bass and Orchestra 04. Harp, Due to the tuning of the double bass, the soloist’s part must be written a tone lower than the desired effect and of other instruments.
3) Duration – 8 minutes
4) Works should use traditional notation without extended techniques, prepared instruments or complicated changes of rhythm.
5) Compositions, ideally containing references (elements, themes, melodies) linked to the music by Lucchesi composer, Francesco Geminiani, should preferably be in two sections or movements with contrasting characteristics; one with elements highlighting the melodic and cantabile capacities of the instrument and the other using more technical and virtuoso elements.
6) Scores to be submitted in PDF files to: gro.a1740595725cisum1740595725nienn1740595725od@mu1740595725rof1740595725 marked “BASS 2018 LUCCA”. Do not send recordings or MP3 files.
7) Please also send a 10 line biography including nationality, contact address, date and place of birth (in Times New Roman 12) as WORD file.
8) Deadline for submission: 27.09.2017
9) Submission fee of Euro 25,00 for administrative costs, by Paypal (gro.a1740595725cisum1740595725nienn1740595725od@mu1740595725rof1740595725)
10) For (a) copies of PDF scores by Francesco Geminiani, (b) general queries or (c) information about other methods of payment please contact: gro.a1740595725cisum1740595725nienn1740595725od@en1740595725oizar1740595725tsini1740595725mma.o1740595725ilgis1740595725noc1740595725.
