Call for Papers: Creative Identities In Transition
Die Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien veranstaltet vom 27.-29.02. 2020 eine Konferenz mit dem Titel „CREATIVE IDENTITIES IN TRANSITION: HIGHER MUSIC EDUCATION & EMPLOYABILITY IN THE 21st CENTURY. Die Keynote hält Christina Scharff vom King’s College London.
Mögliche Themen sind:
Higher Music Education:
Progressive developments of curricula and study programmes in response to the ever-changing music profession in the 21st century
Learning cultures at higher music education institutions, including skill and knowledge acquisition
Valuation of music performances at entry exams and recitals
(Re-)Production ofmusical hierarchies among students and staff
Gendered career aspirations of music students
Persistence of racialised and classed notions of musical talent and excellence at higher music education institutions
Post-colonial and feminist/queer initiatives at music universities and conservatoires that address the effects of colonialism, practices of exclusion and ambivalent inclusion at the level of students and staff and create spaces for discussion and cultures of solidarity
Transitions from study to work, rites of passages and employability
Career trajectories that remain “permanently transitional”
Agency, identity work and developing musicianship
Strategies to combine study, work and creative pleasures
Transitions of music students and graduates in the context of recent migrationmovements
Non-normative rites of passages embarked by music students and graduates
Music Labour Markets
Trends within music labour markets (e.g. western art music, jazz,rock/pop), including horizontal and vertical segregation
Dimensions and demands for developing diverse forms of careers (e.g. portfolio careers, DIY careers, stable careers)
Musicians as entrepreneurial subjects
Self-‐representations of musicians in digital space
Networking and self-promotion in the context of post-feminism and post-racialism
Queer practices of musical labour, including alternative career trajectories
Political struggles against precariousworking conditions
Anti-racist and feminist/queer activism fighting inequalities
Abstracts (bis 300 Wörter) für Papers und Panels in Englischer Sprache werden bis zum 06.10.2019 entgegengenommen.
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