Call for papers: “Gender and Creativity in Music Worlds”
Für das MusicaFemina International Symposium “Gender and Creativity in Music Worlds” in Budapest vom 08.-09.01.2020 wurde jetzt ein Call for papers ausgeschrieben:
„As part of its Hungarian event series, MusicaFemina International is organizing a symposium and workshop in Budapest on January 8-9, 2020. The initiative, involving Austria, Hungary, Slovenia and Germany, is primarily aimed at creating the conditions for more balanced relations of gender in the various spheres and institutions of music production.
The Budapest symposium will provide a public forum for researchers and music professionals — including musicians, educators, critics and industry personnel — interested in the causes and modalities of gender inequalities and gendered power dynamics present in the multiple genres and worlds of music. The symposium is co-supported by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union. The programme will include a keynote talk, three conference panels, a roundtable discussion with artists, and a workshop for musicians, music (industry) students and music industry professionals. Presentations at the conference panels detailed below will be selected by a committee of experts. The planned keynote speaker is Ann Werner, Associate Professor, Gender Studies, Södertörn University.
The conference panels will be organized around the following themes: Gender (Studies), Education and Pedagogies | Gender and Music in Central and East Europe | Gender and the Music Industries.
We invite scholars and experts in the field—musicians, educators, music critics, and music industry professionals— to submit proposals relating to the wide range of topics of “gender and music”. Abstracts of approximately 300 words (PDF format) presenting the subject, the conceptual framework and the analytical approach along with a brief CV (one page at most) should be sent to ue.la1735852505noita1735852505nretn1735852505ianim1735852505efaci1735852505sum@t1735852505sepad1735852505ub1735852505 by 20 September 2019“.