Band/Solistin, Stil: Manding & Contemporary Music & Dance from Burkina Faso

The group LANAYA (Trust) has earned the reputation of being something spezial in the Berlin music scene. All musicians are from Burkina Faso, West Africa and use the rich cultural and musical heritage from the people of the Manding. LANAYA have a profound cultural and musical background and have managed to create a very own sound which is going far beyond the songs usually heard on African drum concerts. Performed are the world-famous, powerful and furious rhythms, songs and dances of the Manding Tribes: Bobo, Bissa and Siamou on the borders Mali, Ghana and Ivory Coast. Even the music-instruments are from these different regions and usually dont play together in one group!

Abdoul Aziz Sinka – Doundoun, Djembe, Vocal
Adama Dembele – Ngoni, Djembe, Vocal
Louis Sanou – Balafon, Djembé, Ngoni, Vocal
Massa Dembéle – Balafon, Djembé, Ngoni, Vocal
Ndiaga Diop – Percussion
Ibrahim Sinka – Djembe, Bara (Calabash), Vocal, Dance
Aicha Camara – Tanz


Kontakt: Mahide Lein, Berlin
email: ed.ru1741083031tluk-1741083031ioha@1741083031ediha1741083031m1741083031